Boris & Bianca
Unfortunately we haven’t had the best experience with humans, they wanted to eat us… if you can imagine, we lived in squalor with many other rabbits who were not as fortunate as us to escape that existence. We might take some time for us to get used to our forever family, but we have so much love to give it will be totally worth it!
Let us tell you something, we are big bunnies and we HATE cages. Over the time we have been at the Bunny House we have learned all of the tricks that it takes to break out and roam free. It would be best for us if we were able to free roam in either a room or the majority of our new forever home, but we promise we will be good! We are two cuddly bunnies once we warm up to you.
On our search for our forever human we have had to be quite picky. We need to be the only furbabies in the home. Number one buns here, no room for any riff raff. We must free roam, we will not tolerate prison bars of any kind. We need our new family to be patient as well because it will take some time to feel safe and comfortable and open up in our new surroundings. This is why we are a pair of longest term residents at Bunny TNT.
Please consider being our heros and adopting us, we will return the love and kindness ten fold once we get comfortable, we promise you wont be disappointed.